Monday, February 9, 2009


If you get to read this, it is because I was able to re-publish. Some entityhas removed all of my articles under the blog "nine-one-one truth". I only have the dashboard blog now. Obviously, they don't want you reading truth. I will continue to get you responsible information you deserve and need. FWL

You will only find this blog on nine-one-one truth do to imposed limitations on my march for truth. I am not a PC educated individual but do have a number of articles all enumerated under the 9-1-1 truth lexicon. I am preplexed by so much restriction to my writing truth (I challenge those debunkers to take me to task rather and let me use our First Amendment for provacative thought and debate) that it only re-inforces my efforts to expose the dedicated wrong.

Letter to a St Petersburg Times Columnist:
Dear Ms. Carlton, I had no idea I would be corresponding with you again so soon on another topic. Fleshing out the real Floyd Lamore entails much more than taking a shameful act of criminal injustice where I took it on the chin to maintain my personal integrity. I write to you in regard of your article supporting cutting six day Postal delivery,"....American after all". I believe you mean well as opposed to contemporaries of yours who work with the newest version of Operation Mockingbird (the original Voice of America, created by Ben Bradlee and peers, to infiltrate America's growing electronic and printed press and gain the handle of influence of what news to disseminate and what to disinform...JFK's murder was their first real test) My bona fides are first as a mailman going back to October 1967 when my step-mother got me to take the original Civil Service Exam and I became a Letter Carrier in College Park Maryland circa 11/67. I served my country and returned to full time mailman status and afternoon JC student. I saved up and with the help of the G.I. Bill and entered my cherished U.of Md. in Jan. 1975. During my 2.5 years there I made numerous positive achievements that would open your eyes. Those efforts are for another day. Circumstances had me in Pinellas Park in May of 1978 working as a concrete carpenter and raising a family. In June of 1987, I returned to the Postal Service toting mail. After the first few Union meetings of Local Branch 1477 (1st Thursday of the month) the Executive Branch discovered I could read and write meaningful sentences longer then 3 words and persuaded me to become the District's Legislative Liaison. The big buzz was the movement to Privatize my sacred cow from service to a business. Phil Crane R. Ohio continually introduced such a bill each session. The Union hierachy was preaching we needed to be OFF BUDGET and for the likes of me, I can't remember one good reason I passed this message to rank and file. I suppose digging into my archive of National Monthly Periodicals and my local and state articles parotting this insanity might give me a clue I could choke on a reason or two. After the 1970 strike and the re-organization of the Post Office, eliminating The PMG as a Cabinet member and the agreement for collective bargaining gained fruition under the new United States Postal Service Act. A new contract was negotiated on a three year basis. Under Vince Sombrotto (another New York story) as the President of the NALC from 1978 forward, most contracts went to Arbitration and little was gained save CO living increases and retirement guarantees (FERS vs. SS). I believe it was when Clinton came in he signed an Off Budget Bill allowing the Office of Management and Budget to no longer control accountability of the American Government's Department best cash cow. You've been fed (no offense) the party line. I watched Congressional hearings in 1996 on the now defunct Postal sub-Committee question USPS lackeys who ducked under the table when asked if Congress granted them the authority to deposit revenue into banks rather than the UNITED STATES TREASURY, what they proposed to invest in and about transparency. They slid under the tables, yet by 1997, we were receiving our pay checks from Bank of America. How and by whose authority? If our pay checks were drawn on BOA, then a checking deposit relationship existed. I was fortunate to have been elected by my peers to consecutive even years as a paid delegate to the National Convention and the odd years to the State Convention. I take pride in this and that four of my self drawn resolutions, either contactual or of national importance concerning mail delivery, were unopposed by the Convention in plenary session! Two of which were passed in face of contemptuous National Union Executives voicing displeasure and being out of order! I have it on film. To abbreviate this effort to set the record straight, in the early 1990's a cult of personality evolved in the top level management with an effort to weaken NALC membership resolve by beating up on Letter Carriers,
They targeted Shop Stewards in particular and Carriers who worked by the book rather than kill theirselves carrying more mail in less time. They automated the letters (about 70 % daily) in Delivery Point Sequence and made us carry it to the street as a FORTH Bundle. One of my resolutions and a grievance was picked up on a national level. Everything I impart to you, I have the paper work documentation or you could just ask carriers OFF the record. You were told that last fiscal year USPS lost 2.8 Billion dollars due to less people writing letters to each other. Th real revenue is made from bills and and advertisement the public calls "junk"
mail yet scour for deals even more so with America in a Depression. There is no creditable accounting of USPS real revenue. They have always been in the black and a good responsible question is where are these funds being channeled. Another lie you were told a carrier already works a "five" day week and "temporary employees do the sixth day. In reality, back in the 1940's a position was created called a T-6 (pay grade) to do one of the five days each day off and is a REGULAR who used seniority to "bid upon this assignment". When hired, a carrier has a 90 day grace period to make the grade and cannot join the craft until the 91st day.Then they can bid on temporary positions (vacation/sick leave etc...when a regular is out) or carry extra heavy portions of several routes. They also have real temporary hirees who have no right except show up and break their back for 6 month intervals and can be summarily dismissed at a moments notice.
Old school employees took great pride in their job of delivering people's personal business and correspondence. Until around 1960, mailmen (it was men only back in the day) made a second set of rounds with late incoming mail. It was sacrosanct that a mailbox was located up next to the door so little ole ladies could access delivery without hazard, knew the mailman and when the mail was delivered and did not have to go out to check an unsecure box on the street. Mailmen were the eyes and ears of the community. It was a service, not a business which has been corrupted and co-opted. Our Government had good reason to guarantee effective delivery six days a week. One short sad story is there is NDCBU (Neighborhood Delivery and Collection Box Unit) for poignancy, there has been one on 58th st. and 91st ave in Pinellas Park for 20 years because of a loose dog which became a menaace and a more compassionate and reasonable solution was not sought. Just a warning,"if you people (on a semi dead end street) don't take care of the dog problem, you'll get an NDCBU forever.Does this reek of vigilanteism. Atleast three elderly people were effected by it having to walk up the block to check on their mail. One had a stroke on a hot August day. Fair? Just? No just Business. Ring a bell? I believe this whole deal isfraud and I would like to be off record, because these people play for keeps. If someone decides to do a real investigative journalistic piece, I'd be glad to help. Immensely. Otherwise, my life has been disturbed from a number efforts and enough by the cronyism abundant to continue to secure the billions of taxpayer money. This country needs more hero's like Sulley in order to regain our truth, justice, integrity as the American Way. I challenge you Ms Carlton to verify and document my contentions. When will truth ever ring free again? Best, FWL

St. Petersburg Times
St. Petersburg, Fl. 33731
I write to you in deference to the stance the Times has apparently taken up on believing and supporting the United States Postal Service party line on cutting delivery back to five or even four days. You printed an article on January 29 taken from the wire service of the Washington Post collaborating with the Associated Press, which made a case for eliminating one day a week as it was now unnecessary and a financial liability. February 4th you had one of your more respected bi-weekly columnists write an article in support. Then February 7th you printed 2 letters to the Editor giving approval to her. I have written this person an in depth letter that only touches the surface and I realize I must be brief with my disagreement here. I was a Letter Carrier for years and a Union Member in several capacities here in Pinellas Park for Local NALC Branch 1477. I have to believe the Branch will take issue with the discrepancies, but for now; 1) The USPS is and has been a cash cow, financially unaccountable since it was taken off budget in President Clinton’s first year. Meaning The Office of Management and Budget does not audit revenue which is no longer deposited in the Treasury (for the most part) 2) The main revenue source is not letter writing but the patron’s (YOU) personal correspondence and transactions (bills, etc….) and advertisements better known as “junk” mail, which I might add is scoured much more thoroughly in these tough economic times. 3) There IS a regular carrier for day six, although management abuses the contract regularly by making your usual mailman (lady) work overtime. And there are part time carriers who are in regular status and get 40 plus hours also. The United States Postal SERVICE is suppose to be just that. Old school held pride in their jobs and felt mail should be delivered to a box adjacent to the entrance for convenience and security to the patron. Elderly and physically challenged should not have to go out to a curb box or to another unit to check on delivery. Unencumbered by those hired to be managers just to harass carriers, your Letter Carrier is quite capable of devising the most efficient method of delivering their route, unique, from most to others. At one time, we were truly the eyes and ears of your community. For the sake of logic and practicality, I pray the periodicals and Congress I and others write and speak on this are given equal time to present the truth. Neither rain nor snow or the gloom of night is of Constitutional integrity. If it isn’t broke, why fix (fix) it. Yours in diligence.

Those are two letters reflective of what I am working on at the same time I am addressing other more critical issues. I try and put the dots out there for you to connect for your own conclusions. All that is happening in our beloved country is connected to one main theme which I refuse to disclose for fear you will think I am a kook. I deal not in speculation nor theory, only in documented fact. If or when I get more attention to my provacative efforts, you may see for yourself and it is not your parents view of what pulp they were fed, God Bless them. Just read and help me disseminate my points to more of the populace. Our planet and human race depends on our collective fight. Please read. May God give us a fighting chance. Peace Out, FWL

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